Windows 10 enterprise ltsb end of support free.Windows 10 2015 LTSB

Windows 10 enterprise ltsb end of support free.Windows 10 2015 LTSB

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Windows 10 LTSB - Microsoft Lifecycle | Microsoft Docs.Windows 10 LTSB Version extended support end date - Microsoft Community


I'm trying to determine when the above will stop receiving security patches. I thought they would rfee parallel like 7 and 08R2 did. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Brand Продолжить чтение for Microsoft. I've just completed migrating all my systems that were on LTSB off of it. I thought the same thing, it was supposed to be a stripped down version of Win10 that was more "enterprise" like that wouldn't break things. It didn't work out so well for us.

Windows 10 enterprise ltsb end of support free know it's been said a million times before, but Microsoft really needs to get back ont he wundows here and release a true Enterprise version of Windows 10 that doesn't make it a pain in the ass to get rid of all the crap Enterprise users don't need.

I know the tricks of turning off customer experience and all that jazz, but it's still not a very efficient way of doing things. You're preaching to the choir here. However, why move away from LTSB to another version if that windows 10 enterprise ltsb end of support free best suited for enterprise? Robby Hotsauce I'm curious what нажмите сюда you had. We've been running the LTSB windos since it was released and have had no problems.

Matter of fact, we've dodged most of the issues that other clients of mine had running Win 10 pro. At the time, LTSB was the only Enterprise volume version available but it turned out to be a good choice. Some of the issues we had probably seem small and easily fixed by some, but for us they were hurdles that we didn't need to overcome when we could just get off LTSB.

All of the Win10 machines I support here are on the Surface platform, most of them being used for Public Safety. The Store being gone also took with it some of the apps, like the camera app and default photo viewer. Updates weren't being installed enterprize by WSUS. Then came Microsoft's recommendation that basically said if there is a person sitting behind the screen using the computer as a main, daily device, don't use LTSB. The decision to ditch it was made prior to me arriving here, so I just followed suit with the remaining machines that needed to be moved to a different service branch.

Simple and efficient way of doing things. This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer windows 10 enterprise ltsb end of support free for commenting. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. No real budget for this. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Welcome to Monday And be careful as today may be more exciting and dangerous than many Mondays as today is also International Axe Throwing Day, a once Canadian backyard pastime that is now sweeping the globe!

I am in need of advice on how to setup a Air gap backup? My organization is building our Cybersecurity program. I am looking to begin logging and monitoring with a SIEM tool. The two that I am looking at are Datadog and Blumira. Does anyone have any input about either of these SIEM supprt that has experience wit Welcome to the first Spark! Hope your weekends were full of enjoyable stuff. Online Events. Log in Join. Windows 10 Windows Server.

Spice 6 Windows 10 enterprise ltsb end of support free Chris Microsoft. Spice frer flag Report. OP nick Got a link that shows this? Verify your account to enable IT peers to see that you are a professional.

Spice 1 flag Report. Robby Hotsauce This person is a verified professional. Wynot This person is a verified professional. Do share the GPO settings ; flag Report. Read these next



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